AFVAC Congress LYON 2024
Thursday, November 21st
Created in 1958, the French Association of Companion Animal Veterinarians (AFVAC) – initially the National Conference of Veterinarians Specialized in Small Animals (CNVSPA), quickly felt the need to bring veterinarians together around an annual event, the National Congress.
Intended for all general and specialist veterinarians, both private and salaried, AFVAC the Congress has become over the years the essential scientific meeting for pet veterinarians with more than 2,600 veterinarians and 4,505 badges distributed. The program designed by the scientific committee of the Congress includes a general program that is structured around a theme that meets the current concerns of the veterinarian and an optional program that places a large emphasis on workshops, tutorials and practical work. This program is delivered by nearly 196 speakers during 292 conferences in 108 training modules in 12 rooms that operate simultaneously.
VCS Board Member Dr. Sandra Bruckner will be attending.
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